The Transformational Juicing Journey

You can be confident knowing that this program will once and for all change the way you view yourself, your health issues, and your relationship with food forever. No more cravings for sugar, junk foods soda pop, etc and your normal everyday eating habits naturally shift to consuming foods that support your optimal health.  Live a long and healthy life full of vitality and a zest for living. Reverse the aging clock. Feel younger, look younger, fully engage in activities you enjoy.

  • 1. Easy to implement. Complete at your own pace.
  • 2. Gain a clear understanding of what triggers unhealthy eating habits.
  • 3. Social and cultural belief systems are destroyed.
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You Get All These Benefits And More...

  • Step by Step easy plan to follow

    We go through a 7-Day Juice Fast with you. We will be there every step of the way demonstrating, motivating, coaching and answering questions for you as we go along.

  • Science based program. Not the latest fad. Time tested results.

    Teach what is in food that pose health risks, including food addictions. Dispel the myths we have learned about what is good food for us to eat. How to read labels and determine which products are best..

  • End of Your Search For Taking Control of Your Health.

    Last dollar you ever need to spend to understand how to restore health and natural weight.

  • Fortified Immunity.

    Helps your body to defend against seasonal bugs, allergens, toxins, etc.

  • More engaged in life.

    Spend your time engaged more fully in life, making a difference in life, travelling where you desire, fulfilling your dreams in career, business, spiritual development, etc. with a body that fully supports you.

  • Once purchased, program is available forever along with future improvments

    Interactive, instant downloadable material including videos, live coaching and Q & A webinars throughout the program, workbook, recipes, step-by-step juicing instructions, Facebook supportive community plus surprise bonus material that we haven’t even thought of yet.

  • Based on ancient nutritional principles, including Juice fasting

    Teach inadequacies of modern medicinal practices & treatments. Teach about macro-nutrients, micro-nutrients, and pyto-nutrients. Talk about gut health, the main brain of the body.

  • Unnatural cravings disapear.

    No more cravings for sugar, junk foods, soda pop, etc. and your normal everyday eating habits naturally shift to consuming foods that support your optimal health.

  • Trips to the Doctor and prescriptions begin to disappear.

    Free to choose more natural approaches for prevention and treatment for diseases.

Our greatest desire is to bring awareness to our community and beyond that we live in a miraculous body that is designed to heal itself.

It does this automatically, every minute of every day and all it needs is the proper foods, and the right frame of mind that only we can provide.

If we want a healthier future for ourselves and our families, then we must start with ourselves.

Founders Founders
Healthy Changes

We are responsible for our food choices.

Nothing "causes" us to gain weight or be unhealthy except what we choose to put in our mouths.

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Once purchased, program is available forever along with future improvments

Interactive, instant downloadable material including videos, live coaching and Q & A webinars throughout the program, workbook, recipes, step-by-step juicing instructions, Facebook supportive community plus surprise bonus material that we haven't even thought of yet.

End of Your Search For Taking Control of Your Health.

Last dollar you ever need to spend to understand how to restore health and natural weight.

Road map to a new life

This program provides a road map that guides you from where you are now to the health condition of your dreams.

Here's What You'll Get In This Awesome Online Training

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s when an
unknown printer took a galley of type and scramble it to produce a type specimen book.

  • 1

    Module 1 Preparations

    In this Module, you will be planning your journey, preparing for your journey and getting yourself, your social circles, and your home ready for the trip.

  • 2

    Module 2 Seven Day Fast

    In this module, you will be going through the 7-Day Juice Fasting experience. We will be guiding, coaching and supporting you every step of the way.

  • 3

    Module 3 Healthy Changes Now

    In this module, you will learn how to reintroduce food once the fast is over. You will learn how to plan a healthy diet that works for you including how to keep juicing in your daily life.

  • 4

    Live Q & A Webinars

    As you go through the 7-Day juice fast, we provide three additional live Webinars during which you have the opportunity to get all your questions and concerns addressed.

  • 5

    Supportive Facebook Community

    You will not be alone. You will have access to our closed Facebook Community where you can share your experiences in a private, supportive community.

A Complete Step-By-Step Course!

Companion Workbook And Regular Updates!

Awesome Customer Support Team!

Don't wait. Do this for your future self now.

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Here's Why You Should Give It A Try

I want to accept your investment only if you are satisfied with it.

So get Your "Transformational Juicing Journey membership" now. You get 60 Days to go through everything. If you don't think you've gotten 10x the value of your investment, contact our support team and ask for your money back.

Plus These 3 Awesome Bonuses When You Act Right Now

Suspendisse tincidunt non ante at placerat. Vestibulum eu dolor quam ante facilisis eget pulvinar quis sit nibh justo. Morbi quam eget scelerisque amet nullam dolores blandit, sagittis suscipit arcu labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam.

Damien Damien
Founder Company Inc.

What are you waiting for, Purchase below now.

Frequently Asked Questions And Answers

Q1) How long will I have access to this course? +

Once purchased, you have lifetime access to this course including any future additions or improvements we make to it.

That way you can come back to it whenever you are ready to embark on another 7-10 day juice fast which we recommend doing at least 2-4 times per year.

Q2) Will I need a juicer? +

Yes, you will need to use a good quality juicer for this program.

To experience the full benefits of juicing you must use equipment that separates the juice from the pulp, skins, seeds and insoluble fiber from the vegetable or fruit leaving only the juice and some soluble fiber remaining.  The solids are discarded and you drink the juice.

In order to get the healing benefits of a 7-Day juice fast designed to nourish and cleanse the body, you need to have a juicer that is up to the task.

If you have a low-end juicer, you will get frustrated with it very early on and you will want to quit.  We explain more about this during the first module of the course.


Q3) What kind of juicer do I need? +

If you don't own a juicer or you need to upgrade from the juicer you currently own, here are some that we recommend that are affordable but sturdy enough to meet the demands of a 7-Day juice fast.

1- Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor.

2- Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer - Black and Chrome.

3- Tribest SW-2000-B Slowstar Vertical Slow Cold Press Juicer and Mincer, Red/Black

Q4) Can I use my high-speed blender that has a "whole juice" setting on it? +

They make great smoothies including green smoothies which are very healthy for you but they do not extract juice from vegetables and fruits.

Q5) Is juice fasting just another fad diet? +

Juicing has a long established history of therapeutic uses since the time of Hippocrates.  In the past 100 years or so, it has been pushed out of the normal healing modalities of modern medical practices which have become more and more dependent on the use of prescription drugs and laboratory isolated vitamin and mineral supplements in place of the wealth of medicinal plants and herbs that human beings have used for millennia.

Q6) I don't want to lose weight, I'm too thin already. +

That is the beauty of Juicing. When you beginning putting pure high quality nutrition into your body amazing things begin to happen. Your body will begin to start repairing itself. It will find the optimal weight that you should be. If you are too thin you will gain weight, if you are too heavy you will lose weight. The important thing to remember here is that your body knows what is best for you better than we do.

Q7) What payment options do you accept? +

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club.

Q8) Where's the protein? +

We get this question a lot. Protein is the one thing that is not an issue. You get your protein from the same place that cows and elephants do, from greens. Then we eat the cows for the protein they got from the grasses. Now we are just cutting out the middle man and going straight to the source. Protein from plants is much easier for the body to assimilate and absorb then protein from animals.

Q10) How will this effect the medication I'm on? +

Juicing makes changes in the body very rapidly. This can certainly effect your prescription intake. Be sure to monitor yourself and consult with your doctor.

Q11) I work 40 to 60 hours per week, how can I do this? +

Working does put a stress on us. There are ways to get around this. One simple solution is to make enough juice to carry you through the day. You can carry the juices with you in glass jars or stainless steel thermos. We do cover more about this in the course.

Q12) Do I have to make all the juices myself? +

Yes. You are not going to get the results you want by going to a juice bar, or by buying prepacked juices.

Q13) My family will never go for this, will I still be able to complete the program? +

This is a tough one. I am not going to kid you. It is important to get as much support as possible. That is one of the purposes of this course is to support one another. Having said that, family is tough if they are non-supportive. This is for some people a tough and lonely road. Stress and negativity can easily out weigh the benefits of healthy eating if there is too much of it. Stress and negativity can best be dealt with by healthy eating.  Start someplace. At the very least, start by introducing one or two juices a day into your life. Family can be a tough sell. Sudden change scares people. Making little changes here and there over time will have a tremendous impact over the long haul. It is like a frog in a pot of water on a stove. If the heat is added gradually, the frog never notices until it's too late. Over time family will notice the positive changes and will gravitate to whatever it is that you are doing, because it will show. Make those changes, it's important. We cover more about this in the course.

Q14) What about fiber? +

There are two kinds of fiber. Soluble and non-soluble. The non soluble is what is taken out through the juicing process. The juicer separates the fiber from the juice. Non-soluble fiber does not get digested by the body. It slows down the absorption on the nutrients, which is a good thing when digestion is working properly. Fiber is needed to push things through the digestive track. Then there is soluble fiber which remains with the juice. It is not separated from the juice extraction process. If you are juice fasting then you are still getting fiber.

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